The Loss of a Loved One
It’s hard enough losing a loved family member; sorting through the anguish of a lawsuit can feel impossible. Bills, funeral arrangements, and then the added stress of determining whether your loved one was lost as the result of someone else’s negligence may be overwhelming.
You do not want the added stress of being at the mercy of corporate defendants, insurance companies, and other persons that want you to quickly brush the issues under the rug, sign releases, and have the whole thing quickly go away. Oftentimes these tactics are employed because the responsible parties know you are vulnerable, and want to avoid you fighting.
That’s where we step in. Our lawyers have set records in and out of the courtroom fighting for clients that need justice, recovering billions in the process.
If you have lost a loved one, and suspect a third party was at fault – no matter what the circumstances – call the lawyers at Daly & Black, P.C. for your free consultation. We are ready to go all in, for you.
Understanding Wrongful Death Cases
Wrongful death claims typically arise when a family member has died as the result of negligence or misconduct. These actions could involve a workplace accident, medical malpractice, defective product, dangerous premises or even outright malice.
In many states across the U.S., only a surviving spouse is allowed to file a wrongful death claim within the first year following the death. During the second year following the death, both the spouse and surviving children are allowed to bring a claim. If the deceased person left no spouse or surviving children, the parents may file a claim.
Recovering Compensation for Your Family
No amount of compensation can ever replace a loved one. However, it can ensure that those responsible are held accountable. In some cases, it may even help prevent a similar tragedy from happening to someone else.
Whether you lost a family member in an auto accident, as a result of nursing home abuse or some other unfortunate event, we can help you seek damages for:
- Grief and emotional suffering
- Loss of support
- Lost wages
- Funeral costs
- Medical expenses
In certain cases, families may be able to recover punitive damages if the responsible party committed gross negligence or performed a willful act that led to the death. Punitive damages are meant to punish a defendant with additional compensation to be paid to the victim’s family.
We Can Help, Immediately
Our firm goes all in immediately. We help investigate the cause of death, and circumstances surrounding it with the most skilled experts available. We advance living and funeral or other expenses needed by the family to get through the void left behind. And we tenaciously fight in court to make sure that the case is prepared for trial – if necessary. Our lawyers set records in and out of the courtroom and have recovered billions for clients that demanded justice. Call the lawyers at Daly & Black, P.C. for your free consultation today, and let us help you get to the other side of your family’s loss.
Few events in life are more traumatic than the sudden, unexpected loss of a loved one. It is especially hard to deal with when that loss is the result of someone’s recklessness or carelessness. You may be filled with grief, anger and confusion as to what to do next.
Our wrongful death attorneys committed to supporting surviving family members through this difficult time. We will make sure you understand your legal rights and we will aggressively pursue compensation from the responsible parties.