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Daly & Black, P.C. Representing Clients in $8 Million Class Action Suit

Daly & Black, P.C. is proud to be representing clients in an $8 million class action lawsuit against a Virginia-based auto insurer. Several individuals who purchased insurance from Elephant Insurance Co., a subsidiary of the United Kingdom-based Admiral Group, were shorted on sales taxes of title transfer fees for totaled vehicles which should have been coveredContinue reading “Daly & Black, P.C. Representing Clients in $8 Million Class Action Suit”

Jury Verdict States Allstate Knowingly Defrauded Client, $1.5M Awarded

The attorneys at Daly & Black are excited to be able to once again announce a winning case result. Last Friday, our attorneys obtained a $1.5 million verdict against Allstate for wrongfully denying home insurance benefits to our clients. Our clients, an elderly couple, approached our firm following a hailstorm that severely damaged their home. TheContinue reading “Jury Verdict States Allstate Knowingly Defrauded Client, $1.5M Awarded”

Five Secrets Insurance Companies Do Not Want You to Know

Insurance companies are legally obligated to operate in good faith, ensuring their policyholders have the right to fair compensation. Due to the complex nature of negotiation procedures, many insurance providers attempt to reduce company liability through fraudulent means. The professionals of Daly & Black P.C. provide personalized care and guidance for those facing intimidating legalContinue reading “Five Secrets Insurance Companies Do Not Want You to Know”

Know Your Rights: The Insurance Company’s Duty of Good Faith to You

When you suffer an accident or other problem, having insurance is a helpful security to get you back in business. At its best, insurance helps people get through difficulties by having enough money to fix their problems. Unfortunately, insurance companies or corporate defendants are all too eager to cut costs wherever they can, and usuallyContinue reading “Know Your Rights: The Insurance Company’s Duty of Good Faith to You”

Hurricane Harvey Claimants Further Frustrated by TWIA Lowballing Attempts

In a recent blog entry, we discussed how the Texas Wind Insurance Association (TWIA) has been lowballing Hurricane Harvey claims across Texas, prompting KHOU11 newsgroup to interview Attorney Richard Daly about the situation. More and more homeowners are coming forward with stories of claim mismanagement by the TWIA, and so another newsgroup has come to our first party insurance litigation firm forContinue reading “Hurricane Harvey Claimants Further Frustrated by TWIA Lowballing Attempts”

Insurers Cutting Insurance Payments to Hurricane Harvey Claimants by 50% & More

Hurricane Harvey ravaged homes all across Texas last year, causing a huge influx of hurricane damage claims filed by homeowners. insurance companies or corporate defendants are notorious for doing everything they can to not provide ample coverage and payouts to policyholders after a natural disaster. It seems that Hurricane Harvey is causing certain insurers to follow past trendsContinue reading “Insurers Cutting Insurance Payments to Hurricane Harvey Claimants by 50% & More”

Harvey Makes Landfall Unleashing Catastrophic Damage and Flooding

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has upgraded Hurricane Harvey to a Category 3 Storm as it approaches the Texas coastline at about 10 miles per hour. Category 3 Storms have consistent winds of at least 120 miles per hours and even stronger gusts. Hurricane Harvey is expected to slam into the coast slightly northeast ofContinue reading “Harvey Makes Landfall Unleashing Catastrophic Damage and Flooding”

Daly and Black Speak to Packed House in Colorado

On June 27, 2017 Rick Daly and John Scott Black spoke to a packed audience of roofers and public adjusters in Arvada, Colorado. The firm frequently hosts free seminars to address matters of importance to industry professionals. In 2016 and 2017 Colorado experienced two of the most devastating hail storms the state has ever seen.Continue reading “Daly and Black Speak to Packed House in Colorado”

Daly & Black Speaks To Packed House Of Roofers And Public Adjusters In Denver

On June 27, 2017 Richard Daly and John Scott Black of Daly & Black spoke to a packed house of roofers and public adjusters, in hopes of better educating the Denver community on the pitfalls of dealing with unscrupulous insurers. Among the topics covered were issues related to overhead and profit, the refusal to payContinue reading “Daly & Black Speaks To Packed House Of Roofers And Public Adjusters In Denver”

San Antonio April 2016 hailstorm costliest ever in Texas

The Insurance Council of Texas says the hail storm that pelted San Antonio earlier this month is the costliest one to ever hit Texas. The San Antonio hail was so severe it crashed through the skylights of a grocery store. In Bexar County it caused an estimated $1.36 billion in damages. That figure, is likely toContinue reading “San Antonio April 2016 hailstorm costliest ever in Texas”