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Insurance Companies May Have Altered Damage Reports

The New York Times reported this week that lawyers representing New York and New Jersey homeowners in first party insurance cases have identified hundreds of engineering reports that they believe were doctored by insurance companies or corporate defendants seeking to wrongfully deny or underpay claims related to damages caused by Hurricane Sandy. The state’s attorneyContinue reading “Insurance Companies May Have Altered Damage Reports”

Texas Supreme Court Opinion Likely to be Misused by Insurers

On October 31, 2014, without hearing oral argument, the Supreme Court of Texas issued what might seem, on the surface, to be a blow to policyholders seeking discovery from insurance companies or corporate defendants in lawsuits alleging wrongful denial and underpayment of claims. We fully expect insurance companies or corporate defendants and their lawyers, whoContinue reading “Texas Supreme Court Opinion Likely to be Misused by Insurers”

Daly and Black’s State Farm Victory Earns them Texas Lawyer’s “Litigators of the Week”

This Past week Texas Lawyer named Daly and Black their “Litigators of the Week” for a jury trial victory against State Farm, an insurer that repeatedly delays, denies, and unfairly handles claims. The text of the article, published November 3, 2014, follows: When John Scott Black directly examined his law firm partner Richard Daly atContinue reading “Daly and Black’s State Farm Victory Earns them Texas Lawyer’s “Litigators of the Week””

Cosmetic Damage Endorsements: Don’t Be Fooled

Consumers all over the United States are (more and more) starting to see “cosmetic damage endorsements” contained in their policies, or offered by their trusted insurance brokers. Insurance agents will try to persuade you that these cosmetic damage endorsements are “no big deal,” and do not affect any fundamental elements of your coverage. insurance companiesContinue reading “Cosmetic Damage Endorsements: Don’t Be Fooled”

Texas Insurers Support Bad Insurance Practices in Upcoming Legislative Session

Time to Tell Your Local Lawmaker You Don’t Want Your Rights Eliminated When insurance companies or corporate defendants lose at the courthouse, they hire their powerful lobbyists to change the laws – and the changes are never designed to help ordinary people or small businesses. The changes are usually aimed at taking away your rights,Continue reading “Texas Insurers Support Bad Insurance Practices in Upcoming Legislative Session”

Texas Fourteenth Court of Appeals: Texas Policyholders Dealt a Better Hand

The Fourteenth Court of Appeals recently held that injuries independent from underpaid policy benefits are not required under the Insurance Code when the policyholder also establishes a breach of contract. [1] Why are insurance companies or corporate defendants not happy with the decision? insurance companies or corporate defendants typically argue that in the absence of an independentContinue reading “Texas Fourteenth Court of Appeals: Texas Policyholders Dealt a Better Hand”

Houston, Texas Jury Finds State Farm is Not a Good Neighbor- Court Agrees

In 2012, a windstorm damaged Deborah Hanson’s home in Cypress, Texas. As you might expect, she made a claim for the damage, fully expecting State Farm, her insurer, to live up to the cheery ads it parades around on television – the same ads proclaiming to be your good neighbor. Not only did State FarmContinue reading “Houston, Texas Jury Finds State Farm is Not a Good Neighbor- Court Agrees”

Nebraska Among States Adopting Pro-Insured Matching Regulations.

Although the “Unfair Property/Casualty Claims Settlement Practices Model Regulation” was taken up by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners back in 1990, states are increasingly using versions of the regulation in aiding the insured to rebuild their homes that suffered property damage. In 2014, South Dakota became the tenth state to apply at least aContinue reading “Nebraska Among States Adopting Pro-Insured Matching Regulations.”

John Scott Black Selected for 2014 Texas Super Lawyers, by Thompson Reuters

We are proud to announce that Attorney John Scott Black has been selected for inclusion in the 2014 Texas Super Lawyers® listing. What is Super Lawyers, by Thompson Reuters and what does inclusion in this prestigious list mean to you as the consumer? Super Lawyers® is a highly respected, nationwide attorney rating service that rates lawyers from over 70 practice areas whoContinue reading “John Scott Black Selected for 2014 Texas Super Lawyers, by Thompson Reuters”