Daly & Black Defeat Motions To Dismiss | Daly & Black, P.C.
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Paul Napoli and his wife Marie Napoli will now be required to defend defamation claims, despite their earlier efforts to have those claims dismissed. Our client, Vanessa Dennis accuses the two of launching a smear campaign after she was released from the Napoli Bern law firm, which is now embroiled in a bitter partnership dispute. Judge Kern, in a very well-reasoned opinion, denied the Napoli’s motions to dismiss our client’s defamation claims, and enjoined Marie Napoli from sending unsolicited communications to our client’s current employer, and from posting derogatory comments in social media forums. The Court noted that the Defendants “cannot identify one harm that Marie [Napoli] would face in being enjoined from such conduct. However, plaintiff could face extreme harm to both her personal and professional reputation and her current employment if such communications continue.” John Black, a partner at Daly & Black, P.C. was recently quoted in a Law360 article saying “The ruling allows Vanessa to proceed to trial, with her core claims intact – Vanessa very much looks forward to her day in court, where a jury can finally bring closure to these matters.”