Fighting for Your Colorado Storm Damages | Daly & Black, P.C.
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On August 6th, 2018, nearly a full year ago, the Colorado Springs storm damaged about 67,000 homes with hail up to 3 inches in diameter and 50 mile per hour winds. With so many homes and various properties damages by the hailstorm, insurance companies or corporate defendants found themselves bombarded with new homeowners’ insurance claims. Literally thousands of Colorado Springs residents all needed the help of their insurers, essentially all at once.

Unfortunately, as is the case after most natural disasters, some insurance companies or corporate defendants buckled under the pressure of all their policyholders’ inquiries. Rather than honestly handling their claims to the best of their abilities and giving each claimant their fair recoveries as described in their policy, dishonest insurance companies or corporate defendants instead choose to deny or underpay claims without valid reasoning. It is nothing more than an attempt to cut their losses at the expense of real people who need help – and now.

Challenging Your Insurance Company After a Denial or Undercut

Are you still at odds with your insurance company over damages you experienced from the Colorado Springs storm of August 2018? There is little chance they will see the errors of their ways on their own, especially so long after the storm itself. You need to consider how an insurance claim attorney can help set things right, once and for all.

At Daly & Black, we proudly fight for insurance policy holders who are squaring off against powerful insurance companies or corporate defendants. Under Colorado law, we can demand damages on your behalf if your claim was wrongfully denied, underpaid, or paid after an unnecessary delay. Yes, even if you accepted money from your insurance provider, you can still file a claim for additional damages. The same is true if you were paid a fair amount but not without your insurance provider acting in bad faith.

Our Colorado insurance claim attorneys do not charge for their time or legal expenses. Instead, the insurance company is responsible for our attorney’s fees after we recover for you. In the event that no recovery is obtained, there is no fee and our clients are not liable for our expenses. Our licensed Colorado attorneys have expanded our office in Denver to continue maintain a close connection and relationship with our Colorado clients. If you are tired of the insurance company cheating you out of the policy benefits you deserve, Daly & Black is ready to help and stand up for you.

Get your Colorado Springs storm insurance claim under control at long last by calling (888) 777-1839 or filling out an online contact form today.