Hurricane Harvey Claimants Lowballed by TWIA | Daly & Black, P.C.
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In a recent blog entry, we discussed how the Texas Wind Insurance Association (TWIA) has been lowballing Hurricane Harvey claims across Texas, prompting KHOU11 newsgroup to interview Attorney Richard Daly about the situation. More and more homeowners are coming forward with stories of claim mismanagement by the TWIA, and so another newsgroup has come to our first party insurance litigation firm for insight. CBS DFW, a Texas CBS affiliate, sat down with Attorney Daly to talk about the developing issue and how our law firm is bringing lawsuits against the TWIA to set things right.

Within the article, which you can view by clicking here, the story of an Aransas Pass homeowner was brought to light. He had purchased insurance from the TWIA, an insurance provider that is backed by the government, and expected it to provide for his damages after Hurricane Harvey ravaged the state last year. A field adjuster determined his home was a “total loss” and provided a damage quote of $166,000, which was the limit cap of his insurance policy. However, only a couple of weeks later, a “building consultant” was sent by the TWIA for another review, and they approved an amount of only $23,982, or about 14% of his policy limit.

As unthinkable as this might be, the situation is not at all unique. The phone lines of Daly & Black, P.C. have been metaphorically blowing up with calls from people all around Texas, from Houston to Aransas Pass and beyond. Practically every single case involves the TWIA sending out a field adjuster and then a building consultant who drastically undermines the adjuster’s initial estimation a couple weeks later. Indeed, the stories from claimants line up with a TWIA supervisor who testified that the Association had minimized about four out of every five “total loss” claims.

TWIA and its spokespeople have not admitted to any wrongdoing, and so it seems they have no intention of rectifying the situation. With the lawsuits led by Daly & Black, P.C., they may have to try to defend their questionable position in court. The law firm is ready and willing to fight them to the end for their clients.

Has the TWIA inexplicably minimized your homeowners’ insurance claim for Hurricane Harvey damage in Texas? Get our first party insurance claim attorneys on your side right away. Our law firm is entirely devoted to first party insurance cases and litigation — all we do is bring lawsuits against dishonest insurers on behalf of policyholders in need of legal champions.

Get more information during a free initial consultationwith our law firm. Just call 888.492.2671 at any time.