San Antonio Storm in April Damages Thousands of Homes | Daly & Black, P.C.
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On April 13th, 2019, a powerful hailstorm roared over San Antonio, Texas, bringing with it about 1.25 inches of hail. Winds up to 60 miles per hour were also reported throughout the storm, causing widespread havoc. Now, several months later, the tallies are in, and roughly 53,000 homes were damaged or otherwise impacted by the storm.

With so much damage caused by a single storm, an influx of homeowners’ insurance claims shortly followed, as is typical. Not surprisingly, though, many insurance companies or corporate defendants have tried to shut down claimants in a last ditch effort to save their bottom lines. The huge number of claims puts insurers into panic mode, and they look ways to deny or minimize payments to policyholders, even where there is no valid reason at all.

What are you supposed to do if your homeowners’ insurance company has denied your storm damage claim after the San Antonio hailstorm last April?

Daly & Black Fights for Homeowners & Claimants Like Few Others Can

In Texas, there are insurance laws in place to protect you, the policyholder, from dishonest insurance company tactics. Even if you already accepted a check from your insurance company, you can still demand additional compensation through a claim or lawsuit if your insurer refused to pay you enough for your damages.

Come to Daly & Black, Texas’s most trusted insurance claim law firm. Our attorneys are licensed in Texas and work out of offices in Texas – you never get bounced around between law firms when you choose to let us manage your claim. We are real Texans who care about our neighbors and community members like they were our family.

At our law firm, we never charge a fee to review a case, and you do not owe us anything if we do not win your case. To make things even better for you, Texas laws mandate that the insurer pays our attorney fees if and when we win. We have a long history of making insurers pay for denied claims, or for handing policyholders a check that did not pay them enough. We can get additional damages if bad faith or an unreasonable investigation was conducted, even if you got a full policy payout. We also only settle a case once you are 100% whole again, meaning it is arranged for you to get all the money you need to complete necessary work and repairs.

Discover more about what makes Daly & Black and our insurance claim lawyers different by calling us at (888) 777-1839. Don’t forget that allinitial consultations are absolutely free, and that we don’t charge you a dime if we don’t win your case!